Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yhwh God’s love for all Creation

Soft-hearted people who care for the sentient creatures that share our planet, may wonder what place these mammals, birds, and reptiles have in God’s regard and purpose.
For these people, I hope to find and share relevant scriptures which may give us insight into this question.

In the beginning, the first man was given dominion over the rest of the creation. Being in subjection to man, animals would depend upon the benevolence of humanity. How did God view mankind’s treatment of those “under” him? 
We can deduce this through the following scriptures:
Proverbs12:10,11 reads: 
“The righteous one is caring for the soul of his domestic animal, but the mercies of the wicked ones are cruel.” 
Evidently, God considers righteous, he who cares for his animals…but the wicked are considered cruel, even when they see themselves as merciful.
Not caring for the needs of animals then, is considered cruel, and "wicked" by God.

Adam and Eve were never given permission to exploit animals. No meat were they to eat. This permission was granted after Noah exited the Ark in the time of the deluge (Gen.9:1-17). God may have felt that a concession was then necessary, for the survival of humankind. Such a sanctioned concession, is not without precedent (Matt.19:5-8).

  In conjecture, we might imagine that this could have had something to do with survival in a new era of shortened lifespan and increased exposure to damaging rays from the sun. Apparently, the previous water canopy which created a greenhouse effect, fell at the time of the flood. (Gen.1:6,7,8; 7:11,12)
This would explain the instantaneous freezing at the North and South poles, which according to archaeology, were previously tropical. This evidence has been observed in the “Woolly Mammoths” who were suddenly fresh frozen in solid ice, with foliage still in their mouths.

But if we return to the account when God first gave permission to eat meat,
we see that He gave this change deep consideration, and implemented a protective change amidst animal life…
Gen.9:2 reads:
“And a fear of YOU and a terror of YOU will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Into YOUR hand they are now given.”
God put a fear of man into His animal creation. We observe this instinct plainly today. If they had continued trusting mankind, all would have been under the risk of extermination.

Apparently, previous to Noah and the Flood, the lives of animals were not in mankind’s hand to kill for food. Nor did wildlife become panicked at men.
 Although given permission to eat meat, we see God maintained regard for the life of each animal and God’s supreme ownership of all life, by the restriction He added... 
Gen.9:4 reads:
“Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.” 
Mankind was not entitled to the animal’s soul. 
This is emphasized as belonging to God, when in Gen.9:5 we read:
“And, besides that, YOUR blood of YOUR souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man.”
Both man and animal would render an account to God for any whom they killed,
as well as why and how they were killed.

When we remember the covenant promise that God made with Noah, never again to bring a deluge to the whole earth; it is noteworthy that this covenant was made equally, with man and animal.

“And as for me, here I am establishing my covenant with YOU men, and with YOUR offspring after YOU, and with every living soul that is with YOU, among fowls, among beasts and among all living creatures of the earth with YOU, from all those going out of the ark to every living creature of the earth. Yes, I do establish my covenant with YOU: No more will all flesh be cut off by waters of a deluge, and no more will there occur a deluge to bring the earth to ruin." 
And God added:
 “This is the sign of the covenant that I am giving between me and YOU and every living soul that is with YOU, for the generations to time indefinite. My rainbow I do give in the cloud, and it must serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. And it shall occur that when I bring a cloud over the earth, then the rainbow will certainly appear in the cloud. And I shall certainly remember my covenant which is between me and YOU and every living soul among all flesh; and no more will the waters become a deluge to bring all flesh to ruin. And the rainbow must occur in the cloud, and I shall certainly see it to remember the covenant to time indefinite between God and every living soul among all flesh that is upon the earth.” 
And God repeated to Noah: “This is the sign of the covenant that I do establish between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.”

Were sinful men worthy of more consideration, or their lives more valuable to God than those of the animals? No. 
At Ec.3:19,20 it reads, 
“For there is an eventuality as respects the sons of mankind and an eventuality as respects the beast, and they have the same eventuality. As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit, so that there is no superiority of the man over the beast, for everything is vanity. All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.”

While this primarily teaches us that we are not born with an immortal spirit within us, and that the “breath of life” which now animates us, is the same in all breathing creation (Gen.2:7);
it also teaches us that we should have the same compassion on our fellow mortal creatures that we would wish for ourselves.
All Creation has emotion, pain, illness, loss, and an end to their lifespan. If we wish to justify and advocate being treated with mercy ourselves; we must display that consciousness with others. 
Jesus said, 
“Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.” Matt.5:7
Yes, God is just. We establish before him our just due through our treatment of those who are weak, inferior, and vulnerable before us. Are we not weak, inferior, and vulnerable before Almighty God? How do we wish to be treated? (Luke6:31)

After God established his Covenant with Israel, he made provision for them to atone for their sins (Hebrews 9:22).  When one sins, he is liable to the death penalty (James1:15; Romans 6:23).  Remember that the life, or soul, is in the blood. 
To pay the penalty; the life, or blood is the atonement price. 
How were the Israelites enabled to pay that price for forgiveness?
They performed animal sacrifices.
God said, 
“For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for YOU to make atonement for YOUR souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul [in it].” (Lev.17:11)
God did not enjoy this (Hosea6:6),
but an important lesson needed to be understood about the justice behind sin and death.

The conclusion is inescapable….animal life is precious in God’s eyes.
Otherwise, it's value would not pay for anything.
What further evidence is there for God's regard?
At Romans 8:22 the Bible acknowledges,
 “For we know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now.” 
In these words, God did not make a distinction between man and beast. 
At Rom.8:20,21 is reads, 
“For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will but through him that subjected it, on the basis of hope, that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.” 
Here we see that the future contains relief, not just for man, but for “all Creation”. By what means? Rom.8:19 says, “For the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.”

If you are a Bible Student, you know that when the sons of God are “revealed”, they will bring the Kingdom of God with them (Rom.8:18; Matt.6:10).
That Kingdom will bring peace to all life (Psalm37:11; Isa.11:6,7,8,9; 65:25). Just as there were no natural predators before the flood, there will no longer be that kind of violence in God's kingdom either. (see Gen.1:30; Isa.55:11)
Mankind and animal will not “cause any violent ruin” to his fellow Creatures.

It would seem that according to the scriptures we read at Romans8:19-22, that God has included the animals to benefit from His coming Kingdom. Are there other scriptures which indicate this? 
See Psalm145:16,21; :
“You are opening your hand, And satisfying the desire of every living thing. The praise of YHWH my mouth will speak; And let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever.”
also Psalm148:7,10,13-14

Remember the words of Jesus…
”Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without YOUR Father’s [knowledge].” Matt.10:29                 
“Observe intently the birds of heaven, because they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses; still YOUR heavenly Father feeds them…” Matt.6:26  
Yes, God loves and provides for His smallest creatures, even as he does for faithful humans.

If ever we think of ourselves as of such greater dignity and majesty than animal life…we should consider the chasm between our nature, and God’s (Isa.55:9; 40:15,17,18,22,25,26). 
Do we not wish mercy, consideration, and compassion from our heavenly Father?
Then all the more so should we richly show these things to Creatures, who by comparison, are almost our equals when we compare ourselves to God.

What can we learn from all this? 
That God truly is Love (1John4:8), not just to mankind, but to all his Creation. 
Eph.5:1,2 reads, 
“Therefore, become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved YOU, and delivered himself up for YOU...”.

Because of mismanagement, greed, and irresponsible stewardship; it is just as we read...
 “All Creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now”. 
This is true of people and animals. Yet, if we imitate our heavenly Father, we will show love as we are able. 
For you tender kind-hearted ones, know that our Heavenly Father is aware of every living thing. When His kingdom arrives, He will wipe out all pain and sorrow; in all those capable of it….every living soul. (Matt.6:10; Rev.21:3-5)

“You are opening your hand And satisfying the desire of every living thing.” Psalm 145:16